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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tis The Season!

Tis The Season to Stay On The Market by Kim Clark

Tis the Season to deck the halls and trim the tree, but beware that you don't go too far if your home will be staying on the market through the season.

Many begin to wonder if leaving their home on the market through the holiday season is a good decision. The overall opinion of most Realtors is yes. The reasons for this thought-process are many.

For starters, buyers looking for a home during the six weeks between Nov. 15 and Jan. 1 are generally extraordinarily committed buyers. Chances are that they are preparing for a change in job that will require a move out-of-state. Others may be entertaining the idea of coming to the area and find the holidays the perfect time to scope out the neighborhood. Finally others are attempting to make a large purchase before the New Year for the tax benefit.

Now that you know the commitment level of the buyers, you need to know how to draw them in, and keep them hanging around long enough to make an offer.

Curb appeal does wonders for drawing them in. A multi-layered holiday display complete with Santa on the roof, Frosty on the lawn and multi-colored blinking lights is not recommended; however, a simple pinecone wreath and clean and clear walkways will be considered inviting.

Once they get over the threshold, sellers can keep potential buyers touring by making the home appealing. Make sure your home smells good, as smell is one of the strongest human memories. Mulled cider on the stove, complete with cookies and cups and a sign that reads, "help yourself," will likely keep the potential buyer in the kitchen long enough for them to notice the color of the countertops and the cozy feeling ˆ all the better for them to feel at home.

You also want to make the home light, as the days are dark, and folks are likely to be touring after sunset. If you have a fireplace, light it, and remember to drape pretty throws over the back of chairs to further enhance the feeling of hominess.

It's okay to decorate the interior of your home, but try not to go overboard. A small tree or menorah is fine, but statues of Jesus and Mary or a large menorah in the center of the room may be a turnoff to some. Better to leave the massive decorations for another year.

Now the committed buyer is ready to really tour the house. Make sure, if you have animals, that there is no lingering smell from cat litter or other problems, and be sure to keep each room tidy. After that, it's a matter of your home selling itself ˆ a much more likely scenario than you may think during the busy holiday season.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not!

Green Living: Making it Last by Carla Hill

We live in a disposable society. The products that fill our daily lives are used and discarded. This habitual "use and lose" puts a dent in not only our pocketbooks, but also in the environment.

According to, every year Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks, and spoons to circle the equator 300 times. Yes, 300 times.

This is just the tip of the trash iceberg. Parents all across the nation gird the loins of their joyful little cherubs with disposable diapers.

Cleanair notes, "Disposable diapers are the third largest single consumer item in landfills, and represent about 4% of solid waste. In a house with a child in diapers, disposables make up 50% of household waste." In addition, these diapers take hundreds of years to decompose and cost thousands of dollars to use.

Plus, the oil used to produce those dandy disposables is more oil than used during the lifetime use of your car!

The EPA reports that in 2010, American generated about 250 million tons of trash, with just a 34.1 percent recycling rate. What is being tossed that could be repurposed, reused, or revisioned?

Learning to reduce, reuse, and recycle is a great way to cut down on household expenses, something that many homeowners are searching out.

There's a honorable movement spreading across the nation bent on saving money and preserving the environment.

The new book Make it Last: Prolonging and Preserving What We Love bridges the gap between life in a disposable culture and the basic skills needed to save money and live more sustainably. This book teaches the reader how to extend the lives of the things they love by repairing clothing, preserving home-grown food, and even repairing your kitchen sink.

Raleigh Briggs takes her longtime commitment to community building through the DIY movement and shares her valuable experience with the reader through a conversational tone in her hand drawn and illustrated guide.

"People are starting to realize not only that they can do this stuff, but that it's fun and fulfilling to boot." says Briggs. "Whenever you think about the choices you're making, you're doing a good thing."

Verbicide Magazine described it as "a Gideon Bible-like manual that should be heavily circulated to people who are just scraping by in life. Her pragmatic approach to taking back your home is what makes this book so appealing."

Save money while saving the planet. That's some noble work!

Published: November 29, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Keep Those Cold Weather Pests Out!

Cold Weather Pests by Carla Hill

Ah. The sound of a gently crackling fire. The aroma of cinnamon. It's an idyllic Fall. The taste of warm apple cider. The melodic sound of rain on the roof. The arrival of spiders and stink bugs. Wait. What?

The change in seasons to cooler weather can mean an unwelcome addition to your home. Household pets can cause major damage to a home if left untreated.

Power Home Remodeling Group, one of the nation's largest home remodeling companies, knows a little something about these cold weather pests.

"Homeowners need to take the threat of pests seriously because they can do so much damage to the structure of a home," says Matt Hess, Power's VP of Operations-Installations. "Most pest infestations and accompanying damage are considered maintenance issues by homeowners' insurance carriers, forcing homeowners to cover costs themselves. Prevention is key to protecting both your home and your wallet."

Some species of pests are more likely to invade your home come fall than others. Power offers tips below to help protect your home from pests this fall:

1.Remove standing water: While this was a mosquito breeding ground during the heat of Summer, it's now a playground for termites, carpenter ants, and powderpost beetles.

2.Trim shrubs: According to Power, "Many pests use vegetation as a bridge from the ground into your home; so keep bushes, shrubs, vines and trees from touching the house. Wood mulch and plants should also be kept at least 18 inches away from the foundation to prevent rot."

3.Eliminate yard clutter: Termites and carpenter ants love wood. They love piles of wood, rotted stumps, and any other yummy tree-based products! Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and outdoor structures and at least five inches off the ground.

4.Seal gaps and cracks: Stink bugs, in all their loveliness, are looking for a warm place to rest. By sealing up gaps around windows, doors, and roofing you are making it just a little harder for them to make your home their winter getaway. Power suggests, "Seal any cracks or gaps with caulk or epoxy, and use steel wool or hardware cloth to block openings where wires, pipes and cables come into or out of exterior walls. Also be sure to ventilate attics and crawl spaces to ensure the venting system has a good airflow to prevent the buildup of moisture."

5.Don't forget the attic! If you think pests can't climb or fly, you're wrong! Warm dryer vents are cozy places to set up camp. Attics can be perfect homes for raccoons, squirrels, and mice. All of these larger pests can do some real damage to your home. Placing a mesh barrier over points of entry, like vents, holes or large cracks, will keep both the animals, and the mites and fleas they carry, outside where they belong.

By addressing this issue now before they become problematic you can save yourself time and money in the long run. Take a few moments today to do a "pest prevention" check-up on your home.

Courtesy of Realty Times

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Moving Can Be So Stressful! Here's Help On How To Manage.

Keep Moving Stresses at Bay by Carla Hill

"Moving is frequently cited as being one of life's most stressful events and it's really no wonder why. It involves a massive change of routine, takes physical labor, and of course, is one of life's largest financial decisions.

These can all weigh heavily on the mind and body. What are some ways that you can deal with this momentous occasion and the stresses it brings? Here are a few simple ways you can deal with the weight of a move.

First, create a support team. This could include friends, family, a significant other, or even a counselor. Don't bottle up your emotions and concerns. Express them before they become pent-up frustration. A good support team can also serve as an excellent sounding board. Offering support is just part of the equation. It's great to have someone that can talk you down or act as a voice of reason.

The next step is to take breaks. It does no good to obsess 24/7 about every last detail. Set aside time each day to discuss and plan your move. Use the rest of your time for normal daily activities. Play with the kids, watch a movie, walk the dog, or go out to eat. The world does not quit turning during a move.

Proper diet and exercise are crucial to helping your body deal with stress. Sometimes we forget that our bodies are machines that require good fuel and servicing to run efficiently. The better we take care of our bodies the better equipped we are to deal with stresses.

There are great exercise routines for all fitness types. If you are new to working out then consider adding in a daily walk. Swimming is also an ideal beginner activity. For those more "fit" buyers, you could join an aerobics class, go for daily jobs, or add in a weight-lifting routine to your current workout.

When the weather permits, exercise outdoors. The fresh air and sounds of nature can be soothing to tired nerves.

Simple yoga and meditation can also do a body wonders. Yoga is about connecting the mind, body, and spirit. If you don't have the time or money to join a class then consider purchasing a yoga DVD. Even simple practices can do wonders for reducing stress.

Finally, don't rush yourself into a new "identity". The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says that moving to a new community is "one of the most stress-producing events a family faces." Moving can mean big changes in friends, groups, clubs, schools, and neighborhoods. We identify strongly with these. Give yourself time to adjust and to fall into new roles.

Yes, moving is a stressful time, but by taking the proper steps you can greatly reduce the amount of stress this event brings.

Published: August 30, 2012"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Buying vs. Renting

Realty Times - Buying Beats Renting

Buying Beats Renting
Are you staying put for at least three years? Savvy financial experts recommend you buy versus rent!
A new analysis by Zillow, a real estate information marketplace, providing vital information about homes, real estate listings and mortgages, reveals that the "break-even horizon" in more than 200 metros and 7,500 U.S. cities is three years (or less!). This is great news for wary buyers who have been fearful of declining home values in many cities.  These hard-hit cities are making a come back. The report found that in some of these areas the break-even horizon was less than two years! "Across most of the country, historic levels of affordability make buying a home a better decision than ever, especially considering rents have risen more than 5 percent over the past year," said Stan Humphries, Zillow Chief Economist. "This is the first analysis of metros and cities that presents the buy versus rent decision in an intuitive way, by telling consumers how long they must live in the home before buying breaks even with renting financially. It's much more understandable, and therefore useful, than the abstract notion of a simple ratio of prices to rents. If we want consumers to act on market information, we have to align it with how they think about the issue and make it straight-forward to grasp." This analysis took into account the full picture of homeownership: downpayment, mortgage, transaction costs, property taxes, utilities, maintenance, tax deductions, and adjustments for inflation and forecasted home values. It also figured rental payments, utilities, and rental price appreciation.This sunny outlook is not the case in all areas, however. A local real estate professional should be able to tell you the course of your local market and whether or not home values are once again on the rise. There may even be differences from one local community to the next. For example, in Mill Valley, Calif., just north of San Francisco, a homeowner can break even after 8.8 years, while in similarly-priced Menlo Park, south of the city, they must live in the home for 14.1 years. It all depends on the area. The Miami-Ft. Lauderdale metro is among the most favorable for buying, with homeowners breaking even after only 1.6 years of living in the home. However, in the San Jose metro, where home values are among the highest in the nation, a buyer must commit to living in their home for 8.3 years before they will break even. Zillow reports "Metros where it takes more than five years to reach the breakeven point accounted for 7 percent of the 224 metros covered by the report. The metros with the longest breakeven horizons are San Jose, Calif. (8.3 years), Oak Harbor, Wash. (7.2 years), Santa Cruz, Calif. (7.1 years), San Luis Obispo, Calif. (6.3 years) and Salinas, Calif. (6.3 years). The metros with the shortest breakeven horizon are Memphis, Tenn., Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Salisbury, Md., Red Bluff, Calif., Mobile, Ala., Tampa, Fla. and Fernley, Nev. (all tied at 1.6 years)."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hoke County Tax Area!

197 Drew Street

Like new home with low Hoke county taxes! Large yard in a cul de sac. The home has new paint inside and out, new air handler, new light fixtures, new carpet in bedrooms, new flooring in the kitchen and master bth, new dryer,etc. The large kitchen is great for the cook in the family, glamour master bath, walk in closets, alarm, and much more!! Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Spacious and Updated!


Spacious Home 3 bedroom 2 and half bath. Tile floors in kitchen, master bedroom downstairs. Adequate space to accomdate your entire family. Bonus room for kids play, man cave, or lady's get away. Conviently located between Sanford and Fort Bragg. For more information call Patty 910-476-4267 Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Gorgeous Waterfront Home!


LAKEFRONT HOME IN GATED/GOLF COMMUNITY! 4,000+ sqft custom built with picturesque views, outdoor shower, boat dock, lower level can easily function as an in-law suite. Additional (adjacent) waterfront lots are available. Deercroft amenities include a pool, tennis courts, community center, beach and boat ramp. Golf membership is also available. A MUST SEE! Call Patty at 910-476-4267 to view this home or any other homes! Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Realty Times - Holiday Home Safety

Realty Times - Holiday Home Safety

"Holiday Home Safety
The holiday season should be a time to celebrate family and friends. We travel across town and state in order to be near to those we hold dear. This joyous season, however, is also a time to take extra care. Inclement weather and other pitfalls can put a real damper on this year's celebration.
Here are a few things to keep an eye on this season. It can be tempting to post our future plans on social media site. "Can't wait to go to Grandma's tonight for some of her famous apple pie." "We just arrived at our hotel. I can't believe we have two weeks of ocean views!"  We want to share our excitement about upcoming vacation and trips! Safety experts, however, recommend against this type of sharing.  Sharing travel plans can open yourself and your home up to burglary. Thieves can take advantage of this green light. Do you trust all those on your "friends" list? This may be, but friends of friends may be less than savory characters.  It can be hard to resist posting about the fun you are having, but save the photos, tweets, and status updates for when you return. If you simply must post about your vacation, try and keep posts vague, keeping the reader guessing if you're out of town or not! Is it time for you to invest in a security system? There are many products on the market today that can help homeowners have a little piece of mind while traveling. If the budget allows, you could have a professional alarm monitoring system installed. Tighter budgets might mean getting creative. Many homeowners are finding they can set up their own camera system to monitor remotely.  You could also employ the help of "at home for the break" college students to housesit. Many students love the opportunity for some quiet R&R all while making an extra buck.  As a final measure be sure to tell a trusted neighbor about your plans to be gone. They can help keep an eye on your place and will know when that moving van shouldn't be parked in your driveway!Home safety goes beyond protecting your belongings, though. It also means safeguarding your health. The holiday season means beautiful lights and decorations, but it can also mean fire and shock risks.Christmas lights are festive and charming, but caution must be taken. Always take your time when standing on ladders or navigating roofs. Thousands of homeowners (around 12,500 to be exact) are treated in hospitals each year due to light installation injuries!  Also, take care not to overload outlets with excessive lights. This is a sure-fire way to cause a fire, or at least fry a circuit. Thoroughly inspect all extension cords and light strands for fraying, which can also be a fire hazard.  Finally, take care to prevent ice and slipping hazards. Keep a bag of salt or sand on hand for icy steps and patios. Utilize rugs on entryways where water can make tile slippery. Install motion sensor lights to help guests navigate their way safety to sidewalks and front doors.  The holiday is a fun time! Just be sure you're still singing a merry tune when the season is through!Published: November 20, 2012"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Custom Built Home on 9 Acres!

801 Jared Drive

Over 9 acres! Custom brick home with 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths,formal dining room & formal living room, great room with fireplace,kitchen with granite counters and bar area,master suite with Walk-In-Closet, master bath with garden tub,separate shower,dual vanities,Covered front porch & back patio.2 pastures,1 pole barn with 2 conex (dog pen/storage),electric fence, pond in front,well,and more! Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Spacious Home Priced to Sell!

615 Foxlair Court

Beautiful home sitting on over 1 acre in a desired area!This home features a very large great room, master with office and glamour bath!Kitchen with custom cabinets,formal dining/living room combo.Large bonus room with 2 seperate areas with large closet and a full bath! storage area outside remains with home. Very easy to show. Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Adorable Starter Home in Montibello!


Great family/Bachelor/Bachelorette/Starter home. The home features 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, spacious living rm, w/ eat in kitchen. Fenced back yard w/ above ground pool as well as outside storage. HVAC less than 4 years. Convenient to everything! Call Patty Herrera for more info 910-476-4267. Learn More!

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Litchfield Realty Litchfield Realty
Patty Herrera, Broker | 910-476-4267 | Contact Me

Friday, November 9, 2012

Top Reasons to Own a Home

"Buyers all across the nation are making their dreams come true. They’re signing on the dotted line and grabbing hold of the keys to a family home.
Despite record low interest rates and enticing pricing, many potential buyers are delaying the decision to buy. What’s keeping you on the sidelines? Let’s take a look at the top reasons to own a home.
  • Building equity. Writing a check to the landlord is equivalent to lining their pocket with your potential equity. It is money you never get back. You’re paying for a finite amount of time -- one month, one year, etc. Owning your own home means building equity. Each and every mortgage payment is going towards paying down a principal. The worth of your home, however, should continue to gain. The difference between what you owe and the value of your home is equity.
  • Predictability. Gas and grocery prices may rise, especially in the midst of this Summer’s tremendous drought in the American heartland, but a fixed rate mortgage is as predictable as they come. Your mortgage payment will be X amount for the life of the loan.
  • Tax Breaks. Uncle Sam likes homeowners! Did you know that you can deduct the interest you pay each year on your home loan? You can deduct the cost of your property taxes. Even making energy-efficient upgrades can be tax deductible.
  • Appreciation. Home prices are once again on the rise, up nearly 10 percent over 2011 prices. This means a home bought for $100,000 in 2011 could now be worth around $110,000! Over the years (real estate is a long-term investment) your home should gain value. If you decide to sell, you would be looking at a healthy profit! According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), "The number of U.S. households is expected to rise 15 percent over the next decade, creating continued high demand for housing."
  • Social Benefits. We’ve talked about the financial benefits of owning a home, but did you know that homeowners generally rate themselves as happier and healthier than their renting counterparts. Part of this is thanks to the stability that homeownership brings. Neighbors are more permanent fixtures in your life, meaning friendships that last for years to come. Children of homeowners are more likely to graduate high school and less likely to experience teen pregnancy. It’s all about creating a stable environment for the whole family. Homeownership can be a great way to secure future financial security and freedom. So, what’s stopping you from getting into the market? This big purchase comes with lots of perks and there’s never been a better time to buy.

  • Published: October 31, 2012"

    by Carla Hill from Realty Times

    Friday, October 19, 2012


    7109 PORTO PLACE


    7109 PORTO PLACE
    Fayetteville, NC 28314

    Great family/Bachelor/Bachelorette/Starter home. The home features 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, spacious living rm, w/ eat in kitchen. Fenced back yard w/ above ground pool as well as outside storage. HVAC less than 4 years. Convenient to everything! Call Patty Herrera for more info 910-476-4267.

    Interior Features:
    Appliances Central Air
    Dining Room Family Room
    Fireplace Main Floor Bathroom
    Main Floor Bedroom  
    Exterior Features:
    Deck/Patio Shed/Barn
    Swimming Pool  

    Patty Herrera
    Direct: 910-476-4267

    Copyright © 2012 Patty Herrera. All rights reserved.

    Mortgage rates Oct. 2012!

    Mortgage rates remain near record lows

    @CNNMoney October 18, 2012: 1:48 PM ET
    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Rates on the average 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage hit a new low this week, falling to 2.66%, according to mortgage giant Freddie Mac.
    The 15-year is particularly popular with homeowners who want to refinance their old mortgages to a lower rate and pay off their loan more quickly.
    Interest rates on 30-year loans, which are popular among first-time homebuyers, averaged 3.37%, a single tick above the record low of 3.36% set two weeks earlier.
    Rates have inched down about 0.2 percentage points since the Federal Reserve announced plans in September to buy as much as $40 billion a month of mortgage-backed securities until the economic recovery started gaining momentum.
    That may be happening already, according to Keith Gumbinger, of mortgage information company
    "If the economy continues to show signs of improvement this fall, mortgage rates could firm a little more," he said. "For that to occur though, we'll need a lot more evidence that forward momentum is building."
    Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac's chief economist, said rates remained unchanged this week as "home construction builds up steam."
    He noted that construction on single-family homes continues to rise, as does homebuilder confidence, both of which point to an improving housing market. To top of page