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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Moving Can Be So Stressful! Here's Help On How To Manage.

Keep Moving Stresses at Bay by Carla Hill

"Moving is frequently cited as being one of life's most stressful events and it's really no wonder why. It involves a massive change of routine, takes physical labor, and of course, is one of life's largest financial decisions.

These can all weigh heavily on the mind and body. What are some ways that you can deal with this momentous occasion and the stresses it brings? Here are a few simple ways you can deal with the weight of a move.

First, create a support team. This could include friends, family, a significant other, or even a counselor. Don't bottle up your emotions and concerns. Express them before they become pent-up frustration. A good support team can also serve as an excellent sounding board. Offering support is just part of the equation. It's great to have someone that can talk you down or act as a voice of reason.

The next step is to take breaks. It does no good to obsess 24/7 about every last detail. Set aside time each day to discuss and plan your move. Use the rest of your time for normal daily activities. Play with the kids, watch a movie, walk the dog, or go out to eat. The world does not quit turning during a move.

Proper diet and exercise are crucial to helping your body deal with stress. Sometimes we forget that our bodies are machines that require good fuel and servicing to run efficiently. The better we take care of our bodies the better equipped we are to deal with stresses.

There are great exercise routines for all fitness types. If you are new to working out then consider adding in a daily walk. Swimming is also an ideal beginner activity. For those more "fit" buyers, you could join an aerobics class, go for daily jobs, or add in a weight-lifting routine to your current workout.

When the weather permits, exercise outdoors. The fresh air and sounds of nature can be soothing to tired nerves.

Simple yoga and meditation can also do a body wonders. Yoga is about connecting the mind, body, and spirit. If you don't have the time or money to join a class then consider purchasing a yoga DVD. Even simple practices can do wonders for reducing stress.

Finally, don't rush yourself into a new "identity". The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says that moving to a new community is "one of the most stress-producing events a family faces." Moving can mean big changes in friends, groups, clubs, schools, and neighborhoods. We identify strongly with these. Give yourself time to adjust and to fall into new roles.

Yes, moving is a stressful time, but by taking the proper steps you can greatly reduce the amount of stress this event brings.

Published: August 30, 2012"

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