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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

5 Types of Retirement…Which One's For You?

5 Types of Retirement…Which One's For You?: "

For some of us, we begin to think about, dream about, imagine our Golden Years of Retirement early on in our lives and then for some of us, it is the retirement announcement of a friend, co-worker, or perhaps a sibling that sparks our awareness that we might want to start considering our own retirement plan.

No matter the reason, when the time comes, we are all faced with the same questions. How do we envision the next chapter of our lives? What are our fears and what are our fantasies about retirement? How can we make our retirement years glorious, and what will we need to make them our "Golden Years".

I've listed 5 Types of Retirement below…

  1. Relaxing most of the time and life goes on pretty much the same as it always has, except we aren't working anymore.

  2. We aren't working, however we now have the time to continue our personal development.

  3. We become involved in a mix of things. Maybe working part-time, spending more time with family, recreation, traveling or pursuing a health regimen and seeking a balanced life.

  4. An encore or second career. Maybe you put a lot of emphasis on continuing to work but want to venture out into a different type of career.

  5. You want to leave your current employer, continue working in your field, but with less hours and extend your career indefinitely.

In conjunction with the type of retirement you envision, if your dream for your Golden Years includes relocating, many more considerations come into play.

Beyond the financial and real estate aspects of relocation, there's another side to the equation that if ignored can easily spell disaster.

What are the emotional, psychological, and purely practical issues you must face to assure a successful relocation to the right place for you?!

It's important to evaluate what sort of lifestyle you envision. Often we envision our lives being the same as they are now, living with the same set of values, hobbies, and interests we currently have.

Believe it or not, it's really important at this point to dream a little bit about what you want and try to be more imaginative, and not assume that everything has to be the same or the activities that you're already involved in are going to be exactly the same. Probably a lot of them will be, and there's nothing wrong with that, however, be imaginative about what you really want to do and how you want your life to be.

If you're married or in a partnership, communication is critical. You need to have a conversation about what each of your lifestyle considerations are. First, each person needs to make a list. Take your time and really envision your ideal lifestyle. Then compare your lists. Determine what your common considerations are and if necessary, rate the considerations by level of importance.

Whether single, married, or in a partnership, once you've envisioned your retirement lifestyle there are important relocation questions. Questions like, "Will the area you're interested in be able to support the lifestyle of your dreams"?

Trying to sort this out and determine how much risk you are willing to take is pretty challenging. You need to be able to assess every aspect and create a plan that will ensure your retirement relocation will be met with a "soft landing." Not a harsh reality!

In the coming weeks, I'll be giving you some hints and pointers, and explore how you can safeguard against moving someplace that once you get there you don't say,

Oh Boy…this doesn't fit what I wanted, get me out of here!!

I'll also be writing about specific things you must be aware of, if you're considering relocating or retiring to North Carolina or South Carolina.

About the Author


Bob Bencivenga is a professional site locator and location anyalyst for major corporations and has been researching the growth of NC and SC to find those areas which are affordable. Visit his blog-The Carolina Report and signup free to get blog updates by email, along with free advice on how to relocate or retire in the Carolinas, additional resources, and a lot more! Go now to Bob does not sell real estate.

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